When you hold off until next year
In 2015 I decided to start doing Christmas themed portrait sittings. I had done them before but only with props that my clients had brought with them. This year I wanted a full on background set up. I'd had Rupert in April 2015 so I had the most gorgeous model to use...

We lost Elephant
I have written this post in my head about seven hundred times, at least. I have also written it on scraps of paper three times but not gotten round to typing it up. I told myself it was because I don't have time but the truth is that this absolutely kills me. We lost...

The six biggest lessons I’ve learnt through having my own business
1. When you care about your clients amazing things can happen. It sounds super cheesy and a bit phoney but it's true. I really care about my clients. I want to get them the best portraits I can so that they can look back at this time with their family and remember how...

Hello 2019
Good riddance 2018...but more importantly Hello 2019 Last year was a shit one for me. I spent the first half of it being pregnant, which I know is an absolute blessing and blah blah blah but I HATE BEING PREGNANT! And a quarter of the way into the year my Mum got...

This month I turned 30
“Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kinda falls into place.” - J.A So I have heard, your thirties are supposed to be much better than your twenties. All of the articles I've read say how you feel more confident in your own...

Did somebody say relatable?
relatable adjective: relatable: enabling a person to feel that they can relate to someone or something. "Kerry's chaotic life makes her more relatable" I'm not really big for over-sharing on social media. I don't like to be in the limelight and I definitely...