When you hold off until next year

In 2015 I decided to start doing Christmas themed portrait sittings. I had done them before but only with props that my clients had brought with them. This year I wanted a full on background set up. I’d had Rupert in April 2015 so I had the most gorgeous model...

We lost Elephant

I have written this post in my head about seven hundred times, at least. I have also written it on scraps of paper three times but not gotten round to typing it up. I told myself it was because I don’t have time but the truth is that this absolutely kills me. We...

Hello 2019

Good riddance 2018…but more importantly Hello 2019 Last year was a shit one for me. I spent the first half of it being pregnant, which I know is an absolute blessing and blah blah blah but I HATE BEING PREGNANT! And a quarter of the way into the year my Mum got...

This month I turned 30

“Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kinda falls into place.” – J.A So I have heard, your thirties are supposed to be much better than your twenties. All of the articles I’ve read say how you feel more confident...